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COFFEE Project eLearning modules


In this course, you will find the core curriculum of training modules created by Verité. These modules cover international standards and trends related to child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, along with good practices on the identification and prevention of labor risks. This is achieved through data collection at the farm level and using management systems and due diligence approaches.

Additional Resources

For more information and other in-depth knowledge on gender perspectives, country legal contexts, and other topics, please complete this course and continue to the course catalog to explore the COFFEE project's elective modules, which you can peruse and complete at your convenience.

Contact Information

Should you have any questions or problems with the platform, please contact Andrés Guzmán Garza at aguzman-garza@verite.org.

Funding Acknowledgment

Funding is provided by the United States Department of Labor under cooperative agreement number IL-31476. This material does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the United States Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the United States Government. 100% of the total costs of the project is financed with federal funds, for a total of USD 2,200,000.

  • Demographic Information
  • Section 1
  • Forced labor and human trafficking
  • Knowledge Check #1
  • Section 2
  • The Recruitment and Hiring of Workers – Standards, Findings and Trends
  • Knowledge Check #2
  • Section 3
  • Child Labor
  • Knowledge Check #3
  • Section 4
  • Workplace Conditions
  • Knowledge Check #4
  • Section 5
  • Wages and Hours
  • Gender Perspective
  • Knowledge Check #5
  • Section 6
  • Fundamentals of Management Systems and Due Diligence
  • Basic data and information collection strategies for field visits
  • Knowledge Check #6
  • Section 7- Country Specific legal contexts
Completion rules
  • You must complete 60.00% of the content
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever